Monday, January 16, 2017

Other Games I

These are the types of games that I can most easily see developing for my topic. I have played card and board games like these in my chemistry classes in the past, and have even developed my own card game for building ionic compounds, and a variation of Battleship to learn electron configurations. The Chinese checkers game play could also be used for either bonding, diffusion, or electrons. I have used different variations of dice games to represent radioactive decay, and could see a modified version of Yahtzee as a way of learning both half life of radioactive isotopes and the radioactive decay series. Depending on the rolls of the dice, students would have to determine which radioactive decay particles were emitted, and then calculate the new isotope that was formed. The objective of the game would be to be the first player to decay their material into a stable isotope. I can see this also being tied to an element of racing the clock, if the game was set inside a nuclear reactor or other similar setting. I think that I may have just discovered the game that I will develop for this course...

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