Friday, January 27, 2017

Simulation Games: Turn-based games

I played the Banner Saga on Steam, and have played games like Risk online for nearly 20 years. The difference between Turn-Based games like these and RTS games like Total War and Clash of Clans is, to me, like the difference between playing chess and playing volleyball. In TBS games, each move has a counter-move, and there is time to reflect, react, and plan the next move. Your opponent, whether computer or human, has the same opportunity, so that there is an element of trying to predict what your opponent will do next, and deciding whether your moves need to change accordingly.

From an educational games perspective, one of the advantages of TBS games is this ability to pause and reflect. This can be done individually, or even as a class. If 20 students are playing in a room, there can be discussion about what happened in each turn. What worked, what did not work, what should be tried next? It can become a combination of collaboration and parallel processing, as students share experiences and strategies after each and every turn.

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